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Marketing and communication services to help small businesses and non-profits grow.

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Our aim is to help small businesses and non-profits reach their goals without breaking the bank.

Not the Marketing Budget holding you back

We See the Legacy You Want to Leave

I understand that your needs, resources, and ambitions are different than those of a large corporation. Small businesses - not big brands - are at the heart of small towns, and I have been a part of close-knit communities all my life.

I grew up in small-town Delaware and traveled off to Maine where I received my Bachelor's degree in English from Bowdoin College. I returned to that same Delaware town and worked in the corporate world for years, all the while knowing I wanted to do something different - something creative. An amazing twist of fate landed me in the communications field, and it was then that I knew I had found my passion - and my second career.

Eventually, I put down roots here in a little town at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. I returned to school to earn a Master's degree in communications from Johns Hopkins and then started Leadout Communications to help those small businesses that make our neighborhoods thrive.

No matter where I go in my travels, I return to these small towns to make my home. The ingenuity, hard work, and good humor that small communities are known for run in my blood.

It's because of this that I pour as much heart and effort into the success of your business as I do my own.

Your success is our success

About ten years ago, I discovered cycling and quickly became obsessed. It's how I met the love of my life, and it's our shared passion. 

When I decided to start my own business, I struggled with a name - it had to be something meaningful, it had to be something memorable, and it had to be something cycling-related.

After an afternoon of brainstorming, "Leadout Communications" was born.
 You see, a leadout rider in bike racing is a member of the team whose sole role is to help the team’s lead racer cross the finish line. They work tirelessly to bring their rider to the front of the pack and position them for the best possible chance for a win.

That's what we do for our clients at Leadout Communications. We ride with you to the finish line and guide you to victory - because every winning rider should have a team behind them.

leadout communications

The story behind our name

 “August and Everything After” by the Counting Crows (or “Folklore” by Taylor Swift)

If you had to pick one album to take with you to a deserted island, what would it be?


Manual… I learned to drive on a 1968 Karman Ghia.

Manual or automatic transmission?


Vodka martini, dry, twist of lemon.

What is your favorite cocktail?


Philadelphia Eagles (Go Birds!)

Which is your favorite sports team? 


“Remorse is the poison of life” “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

What is your favorite quote?


"How do you spell your name?"

What question are you asked most often?


Get to know me better with some fun facts giving you a glimpse into my inner world.

Fun Facts About Jaymi